It is finally Waffle Sunday on Sunday, it is also big game day, it is a national day of tv, wings, other tasty treats and lots of alcohol in many cases. My family however has a totally different menu when it comes to the big game, it started at least 13 years ago. At the Schmidt house we have a family tradition of waffles, and sausage on the day when football reaches its big game. I remember the year we started it, it was right after reading the Sunday paper I glanced at a flyer that had a waffle maker on the front page, we went to the store and bought it, as a family we have been making waffles every single Waffle Sunday since. I think Waffle Sunday is a great name cause when your team isn’t in the big game you can waffle back and forth and enjoy the plays and commercials. I even left a party a few years ago when my team was in the waffle bowl to go home to have the breakfast of hotels. Have a great Waffle Bowl Sunday and go team go. #bswithbob #wafflebowl
Join me weekdays on the radio mornings on Today's Talk 1490 and afternoons on Magic 105
Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Daily Dose of BS Jan 30 working
My son just started his first full time job, and his car is in the shop, so he needs transportation. I think it is great how here my 18 year old has gone out and found a job and here we are day 3 he seems excited. I have been lucky that my kids have a pretty good work ethic, it started out with wanting to go and make money at an early age the boys shovel and mow and my daughter has been picking up babysitting jobs with the neighbors. The two older boys have had the chance to pump gas at Bion’s Service Center, and had to learn the ropes of dealing with bosses and customers. Back to having to give the oldest a ride, yesterday I picked him up from work, and this morning I dropped him off on my way to the radio station at 5. He had made breakfast for us both, not bragging but I had a homemade egg McMuffin this morning, having a morning buddy might not be that bad. #bswithbob
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Daily Dose of BS Jan 29 State of the Union
The State of the Union should be renamed stand and clap. Don’t get me wrong as I was listening to the State of the Union, there were some good points, there always are. It doesn’t matter what side of the isle you are on, this is a PEP rally and sales job. I just don’t think every single line needs applause. I think you will agree if you can objectively look at it and what it is. I ask the same questions every year and as someone pointed out to me last night, make the same astute observations as well. I have never have been a fan of the grand standing...never quite understood why. And don’t answer because it is what has always happened, to me that isn’t a good enough answer. As with all politics there is always some BS being said, it doesn't matter the party. #bswithbob
Monday, January 27, 2014
Daily Dose of BS Jan 27 idiot driver
TO the guy in the maroon Traverse this morning that thought that you were the king of the road, I am thinking of a couple of choice words one of them is you. Why do you feel the need to speed up behind, ride someone’s tailgate and get an opening, take it then slow down? When one guy got sick of it and turned you took up both lanes. I got your license number, but I am guessing that it isn’t your car but your moms. Because an adult wouldn’t act that way! Grow up and drive right. #bswithbob
Friday, January 24, 2014
Daily Dose of BS Jan 24 the beebs
Bad influence, annoying, cocky yea I’m talking Justin Bieber. I don’t get it, this kid had the world by the tail. It is too bad when we see these young kids who get too big way too fast and then they crash and burn. I really believe what happened here is that this kid surrounded himself with yes men and then listened to them, believed them he bought into the myth. When you start to believe the hype and don’t live to be true to yourself that is when it happens. We have seen it happen to countless stars and celebrities as well as a few friends. Don’t believe the hype and live to be true to who you are. #bswithbob
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Daily Dose of BS Jan 23 trash
I think most of the city of La Crosse now has the new garbage cans. Wow they are big. I was at first worried that there would not be enough room for the garbage of 6 and the recycling of 6 but one week down and so far so good. Yesterday was the first garbage day since the new cans came into my neighborhood and I am glad to say I got them filled to the brim and got my old garbage cans picked up. I was kind of worried about how was I going to get rid of my old cans, it brought up thoughts of an old comedy routine and trying to toss the garbage can by putting it into the trash or when you put a note on it saying throw this away only to have the note taken. I will have to say so far so good but we are only a week in at the Schmidt house. How do you like the new trash receptacles? #bswithbob
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Daily Dose of BS Jan 22 words
A friend of mine and I got in to an argument over the word o-f-t-e-n. I say ofen she says off-ten. I have been on a mission to find out how people say this word. I have often asked other people how they pronounce the word and many have said offten, I agree to disagree…. I have asked around the building here at work, I asked a lot of the employees here at LaCrosse Radio and all but four agreed with me with a pronunciation of ofen. Some of the answers of why they pronounced the word that way was, I am not British, I am not hoity toddy and don’t say tamatoe either, the t is silent, it is standard American dialect, according to the Websters New World Dictionary saying the word aw-fuh; is first preferred and awf-tuhn is secondary. As a matter of fact to hear the proper way of saying the word often check out the website or just click here By the way some other words with the silent T listen, moisten, fasten, glisten. So who is right???
Monday, January 20, 2014
Daily Dose of BS Jan 20 MLK day
“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Words by Martin Luther King Jr.,said, words that hit home, how often have you been by someone and you idly sat by and didn’t say anything? I think we are all guilty of that, all have been in that situation; heck I bet most of us have been on both ends the speaker and the listener. We have all said things that we wish we hadn’t and all sat by when someone said stuff they shouldn’t have, on this Martin Luther King Jr day we need to remember those words and what they meant and take a stand. Stand up for what is right. To finish off this daily dose we should remember these other words Martin Luther King Jr, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” #bswithbob
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Daily Dose of BS Jan 16 be prepared
Your Daily Dose of BS. I think the Boy Scouts had it right, be prepared. You just never know when things are going to happen, we can think we know but do we? Not really, we sometimes have a clue if we look at the surroundings but how often really has everything gone as planed in your life? I am guessing when you were a little kid dreaming of the future that everything in your life isn’t exactly what you prepared for or dreamt about. The way we deal most the time molds us to the people we are the person you have become. Remember you never know what is around the corner, you may see what is ahead, but you never can tell exactly what will happen, as I mentioned earlier be prepared. #bswithbob
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Daily Dose of BS Jan 15 snow plowing
Great job! I commend everyone who got out and shoveled their walks in the past 24 yours. The road warriors who plow our streets should get medals. I think the majority of those who plow did a great job. But and I know you were waiting for the big but I saw a handful of occasions where a private person or business threw their snow into the city street. You can get ticketed for this, according to a friend of mine who is a cop one of his favorite tickets to write. So when you get your sidewalk or driveway plowed in with snow don’t toss the snow from your sidewalk or driveway back into the street because it is against the law. #bswithbob
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
The -Free Days Planner- by design enterprise Half Three strips 2014 down to Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays so you can see all the days you don’t have to work in one place. The calendar completely ignores all workdays and reduces the year to just weekends and public holidays. The printable non-work planner in wall-chart format is available as a free download for users to print off themselves.
Daily Dose of BS Jan 14 life hacks
Ever heard of life hacks? Easy or different ways around a common thing. I like hard boiled eggs but hate trying to get them right either they are too under cooked or too over cooked. My friend told me to try putting the eggs in a muffin tin and in an oven pre heated to 350 for a half an hour. I did and they turned out perfect. I also dislike peeling hard boiled eggs, I saw another life hack to bust up the ends and then blow the egg out. Guess what it worked also. How cool is that, I have also tried the rice in a baggie to dry out a cell phone and it worked also. What life hacks have you tried and had work? #bswithbob
Monday, January 13, 2014
Daily Dose of BS Jan 13 2nd week of year
Here is your Daily Dose. We are now starting the second full week of the year. Have you been able to keep your New Years Resolutions? I didn’t really start one on the 1st. I am starting mine today, mine is I am going to try eating better, not diet but eat better foods for me and try not to eat so much crap. I think since I am framing it this way it will be easier to do. I have always been a fan of good for me foods but also like the bad for me foods as well. I am not going to give up on eating donuts or chips but will try to cut down on the amount, instead of two donuts I will go for one. I also am going to try to add fruit into my diet. Its funny I love veggies, raw or cooked, never been much of a fruit guy, I am going to give it a try. If you have any words of advice, please do share. #bswithbob
Friday, January 10, 2014
Broadway Tickets – January’s a great time to seek out ticket
discounts. You probably won’t find them for the most popular shows, but if
you’re looking to branch out this is the time to do it.
Carpeting & Flooring – Most people buy carpets at the
end of the year in preparation for the holidays. Once January rolls around,
prices go down.
Clothing – Retailers are all having mad sales after the
holiday rush, so now’s a great time to grab some extra duds. The selection
won’t always be great but the prices will.
Furniture – January is a great general clearance time since
most furniture companies release new products twice a year … in February and
Gift Cards – It’s a good time to visit online gift card
exchange sites like Plastic Jungle to find discounted gift cards. This time of
year, everyone’s trading in their unwanted cards for cash.
Linens & Bedding – Ever since the first ‘White Sale’ in
1878, January has been the best month to get bedding and other linens.
Motorcycles – winter doesn’t make for great biking weather,
but if you buy a motorcycle in January you can focus on all the money you saved
while you wait around for good weather.
Suits – Not a lot of people buy suits in January, so you may
see prices drop just to get you into the store.
Videogames – A lot of new games come out in late Fall for
the holiday season, and they go on sale after the holiday rush is over.
Daily Dose of BS Jan 10 Gov Christie
Did Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey go overboard with his public apology yesterday? Almost 2 hours of standing in front of media answering questions for bridgegate. I am glad that he is standing up and taking responsibility but I also feel that he went way overboard with the apology, get it say your piece and get on.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Daily Dose of BS Jan 9 drunk driving
Here is your Daily Dose.
There was a billboard campaign awhile back saying buzzed driving is drunk driving. That is when it hit me that being buzzed is drunk. I never gave it much thought, I always thought I’m ok to drive I only have a buzz. What I will say is I am lucky, lucky I never caused any harm to anyone or myself. I chalk it up to lesson learned and as a teachable moment. When are you drunk? The legal answer is .08 blood alcohol level, but I think the best way to describe being drunk is that you still "know" what’s going on around you, but you just don’t care, and some of your normal skills become slurred and impaired, like you can’t walk a straight line, you tend to be off balance. I really wish that when I was younger that they would have had a campaign like the buzzed driving is drunk driving, I think it would have stopped me from driving home buzzed a few times. That brings me to the question do you think that Wisconsin should criminalize the first offence DWI?
There was a billboard campaign awhile back saying buzzed driving is drunk driving. That is when it hit me that being buzzed is drunk. I never gave it much thought, I always thought I’m ok to drive I only have a buzz. What I will say is I am lucky, lucky I never caused any harm to anyone or myself. I chalk it up to lesson learned and as a teachable moment. When are you drunk? The legal answer is .08 blood alcohol level, but I think the best way to describe being drunk is that you still "know" what’s going on around you, but you just don’t care, and some of your normal skills become slurred and impaired, like you can’t walk a straight line, you tend to be off balance. I really wish that when I was younger that they would have had a campaign like the buzzed driving is drunk driving, I think it would have stopped me from driving home buzzed a few times. That brings me to the question do you think that Wisconsin should criminalize the first offence DWI?
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
The Beer Bible
A new reference guide called Beertone (a play on the iconic Pantone color guide) has been designed to help barley drinkers identify and choose the right type of beer … based on its color. The brightest beers begin the guide, which runs through the spectrum ending with the darkest. Each beer has a card featuring a detailed description, alcohol by volume, the brewery, its bottle design, and its color information …Photos show each beer in its bottle and in a glass. This ultimate reference guide will cost suds lovers $39 a pop. Beertone
Daily Dose of BS Jan 8 baseball
We are a forgiving society, look at the sports heroes we have let off the hook for their misgivings yet Pete Rose constantly gets passed over for Cooperstown. Do you feel this is right or should he be forgiven for betting on the game he played so well and allow his successes be featured?
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Daily Dose of BS Jan 7 phones
The surprises of life are not as great as they were when we were kids. Remember when the phone rang you ran to get it, ran to be the first to see who it was. We were excited when the phone rang, there was hope, excitement and maybe a little fear. At my house we used to fight to see who got to answer the phone I am guessing it was because I had brothers and we would fight about everything from the phone to who got to change the channels, wow those are fights you wouldn’t see now-a-days. With remote controls the only time you are doing any manual changing is if you misplace the remote. At my house and I am guessing the most others have caller I.D. Most of the time now, my kids look to see who it is on the caller id display to decide if they are going to answer or not. I tell them to answer it regardless because you never know how your life will change when your phone rings.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Daily Dose of BS Jan 6 cold thoughts
Still cold. As I drove in this morning I was worried what if I get a flat tire, or what the freezing point of rubber is, what if my tires hit a pot hole and just blow out. Then I thought nah it won’t happen, guess what it didn’t. It is weird how our minds sometimes start building up scenarios in our heads then we end up convincing ourselves that that may happen. I knew in the back of my mind that there was no way that this would happen but there was the shadow of doubt that it may. I guess what I am trying to say that even though it is 20 below outside that my mind is still active and being active on a day like today is great. Get up and do something, inside, it is way to cold outside to do anything.
Friday, January 3, 2014
Daily Dose of BS Jan 3 cold
We are about to embark on some of the coldest weather I can remember. Temperatures on Monday will be starting at -25 and going up to -8. Negative 8 for a high? As the old song goes, baby it’s cold outside. I am kind of a cold weather wimp, not enjoying it as I once did. I have never been a snow bunny, but I at least used to not mind the cold. Now I don’t mind cool but too hot and too cold blah. You are going to be hearing lots of cold weather survival tips and what not to do in the cold weather, what are some of your favorite do’s and don’ts when it comes to the extremes? When it is 100+ I would think it wouldn’t be good to walk in high heels-I have done that (Walk a Mile in her Shoes), when it is below zero don’t put your tongue on the metal pole outside, ( A Christmas Story) Stay warm my friends.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Daily Dose of BS Jan 2 actors
We live in a small world. Size wise it is large, if you don’t believe me drive across any of our states. I am talking about with technology we are a phone call or a text away from most. I bring this up after watching the preverbal ball drop on New Years Eve, we were able to watch the ringing of the New Year across the world. I think this is pretty cool. I was a vegetable yesterday and gave my Netflix a work out and it hit me. There are a ton of actors out there, I didn’t even know there was that many tv shows and movies made but there. It is funny that some of these shows even got made and it angers me that a lot of good shows got canceled. I guess what I really wonder about today is where are all these actors coming from?
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