Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Halloween

Lions and tigers and bears oh my.  Tonight we will be inundated with short people, short people who are doing a few things that we as parents have told them not to do throughout most of their lives.  Like don’t talk to strangers, don’t take candy from strangers, don’t eat and run.  I guess that we are good at setting rules but not following them, for example the person I was following through La Crosse this morning on my way to work has kids, I know this because they have the little stick figure stickers on the back window that told me there were 5 people and a couple of dogs in that family, this person went straight thru a turn lane about 10 miles per hour over the speed limit, and then when she had a green turn signal she stopped before she went, after I yelled a string of niceties to myself of course, I passed her when possible and guess what, she was texting.  I bet if her teenager was in the car that she would be yelling at him to stop texting and pay attention, but then again many of our kids are out ringing door bells talking to strangers and taking candy from the weirdo on the next block.   Remember kids do as we say not as we do, we mean well.  

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Don't get scamed

Disaster scams are crimes of opportunity. Desperate people are willing to do almost anything when catastrophe strikes — and these scamsters prey upon them like buzzards.
For more info click here

Daily Dose of BS Oct 30

Over 16 dead, millions without power for up to 2 weeks, cars floating, over 7 subway lines are submerged in water, an economic impact of over 100 billion dollars, and super storm Sandy is not done yet.  My heart goes out to the families and businesses devastated by the losses of their homes, businesses and their lives.  The one bright spot is that there will be many in the construction trade that will be busy for years with the rebuild.  To help our brothers and sisters on the East Coast the American Red Cross is accepting donations people can visit, call 1-800-RED-CROSS, or text the word REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation.  

Monday, October 29, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Oct 29

We are in the midst of the presidential election and people say stupid things, we hear garbage from all the candidates, I bet if you think about it you can think of stupid things said by each and every person running for office.  We have 8 days left then it all starts again for the next election cycle.  The reason I started with the people say stupid things is that I was on facebook yesterday (by that is not the stupid thing) someone posted “In some parts of the country school is being canceled because of the hurricane” and someone posted “lucky” in response.  Really?  Why would that be lucky?  I understand that some people just don’t get it and some people are trying to be funny, I have been accused of try to be funny many times in my life, but I don’t think I ever wished bad on anyone or was happy for anyone’s misfortune.  This huge super storm dubbed Hurricane Sandy that will be hitting the east coast later today or early tomorrow, will be devastating when it does make land fall.  Walls of water flooding the area, gale force winds, heavy rains and cold weather afterward making for miserable living, I hope and pray for the best.  

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday night date night...make it memorable

You and your significant other don’t need to go far or spend big to have a special evening together. A few activities you may not have tried in awhile …
✓ TV marathon, 2012 style. Curl up on the couch for the night (weekend?) and plow through an entire TV series you’ve been dying to watch.
✓ Savor the memories. Trot out the old college yearbooks, scrapbooks, and/or photo albums and reminisce and laugh about old times.
✓ Put on your chef hats. Cooking is a great way to get you focused and more attuned to all your senses. Plus, no one can argue with the delicious rewards!
✓ Form your own private book club for two. Read the same tome, grab some grub, and spend the night discussing your deep literary thoughts.
✓ Be cheesy. You could spend big bucks at a wine bar or you could do the pouring, slicing, and tasting at home. Stock up on cheeses, pour some vino, and let your taste buds do the rest.
✓ Belt it out! Download the iKaraoke app, which transforms your Apple device into a makeshift Karaoke machine.
✓ You’ve got game. An adult-only game night plus a bit of sexy wagering could lead to some stiff competition.

Daily Dose of BS Oct 26

Our early afternoon guy Michael Smerconish is going to be interviewing President Obama one-on-one in the Oval Office today.  If you had the chance to sit down with either the President or Governor Mit Romney what would you ask them?  Would you be civil to the other guy (the guy you don’t support) or would you play your political cards?  In your opinion do you like the way that the political process is, if not what would you change?  BTW the Michael Smerconish’s  interview can be heard during Michaels show noon-3 on Today’s Talk 1490.  Every morning I leave my house before 5am to get to work, this morning was one of the few times while driving in that I had to stop at more than one stoplight, I had to stop 3 times on way in I think this is the most times I have ever had to stop this early in the morning (since most of the time the lights are flashing yellow), usually there is no stopping.  I hope the rest of the day goes the way they usually do with no stopping, forward thinking.  I guess that our day is what we make of it, so my goal is like every other day.  It is my choice to make it a great day.  

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Life by numbers

A BS breakdown of who we are and what we do …
• 73% of daily commuters do it alone.
• 72% of men have a cookbook, but only 35% actually use it.
• 71% of men feel their dog understands them at some telepathic level.
• 40% of woman have thrown something at a man while arguing.
• 29% of women say they want to be lied to when asking whether they look fat in something.
• 10% of people over age 60 do not have a grey hair.

Daily Dose of BS Oct 25

There are only 185.5 million people in the US on facebook.  That is over half the population, not bad for a company that didn’t even exist 10 years ago.  With the average person spending almost 7 hours a month on facebook that is a lot of screen time for those little ads to make their way into your brain, and with facebook being a public company now they have to answer to their shareholders, meaning they have to make money, you would think a company with over a billion active monthly users would be raking in the dough, I bet they are.  From posts that used to go to everyone to posts that you can now pay to have seen, there is a lot of growth for this company in its infancy.  I started using facebook kicking and screaming after learning and loving myspace, weird now I am not even sure if myspace even exists.  The voyeur in me keeps me looking and the thoughts that plague my mind give me endless topics to post on here on facebook.  Are we better off now knowing that John had a burger for lunch with his bff?  Does it matter that Sally sold seashells by the seashore, you bet it does, the average person has 130 friends on facebook.  I at one time actually knew all my facebook friends, and many of my radio friends have two accounts the work one and the real one, I guess I wasn’t smart enough to do that when I started with facebook, and now I don’t think I have the time to do more than one facebook account.  I think I like the sharing that happens here, otherwise where would I catch up on the snarky thoughts of my friends, both real and online.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Oct 24

Things are easier now than they have been, when it comes to voting.  I look forward to going to my polling place November 6th many are voting early, prior to this year, I have always been against it but after hearing from both sides decided that it is better for the process to open up and allow more to get out and vote.  I remember when Rock the Vote first rolled into existence back when I was starting my voting career.  I have as mentioned in previous posts in every single election and almost every primary election since I have been able to vote.  As I am getting ready to talk with many politicians and others about the up and coming election I found out about the website on this site I can go and enter a few things and up will pop a voter profile, including when I registered to vote, where I vote, a sample ballot, how to vote absentee and a vast wealth of other information.  I checked and and sorry to say the federal government and the state of Minnesota do not offer this info by going to those websites, but if you live in Wisconsin you can have at your fingertips the ease of knowing, now.  For those of you in Minnesota I did find the link you need it is if you live elsewhere you can always google it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


According to National Retail Federation, these are some of the top-selling prepackaged get-ups so far …
1. Princess
2. Batman
3. Spider-Man
4. Witch
5. Disney Princess
1. Witch
2. Vampire
3. Pirate
4. Batman
5. Zombie
1. Pumpkin
2. Devil
3. Hot Dog
4. Cat
5. Bee

Daily Dose of BS Oct 23

I am not a big fan of bruised apples or bananas or any bruised fruit or vegetable for that matter.  We picked apples last weekend in Galesville and I grabbed one as heading out the door this morning and was a big bruise on it, a quick couple of cuts and good as new.  The World Series begins tomorrow, not a big fan of baseball on TV, much better to take in a game with the boys of summer live.  My brother went to game seven of the World Series when the Twins won back in the 80’s.  Did you catch any of the debate last night?  It seemed to me that the commentator Bob Schieffer had things in control a bit better than the other moderators that we have seen, but then again I may be partial since we share our initials and a first name.  I thought both candidates seemed tired and got to the shiny foreheads faster than they did in the other debates, also if you are louder than the other candidate are you a better debater?  We have two weeks to get to the polls, early voting opened yesterday in Wisconsin, and early voting ballots were mailed out a couple of weeks ago, there should be no excuses to why you didn’t vote this time around.  Your vote does matter.  As BS mentioned last night that his mom said, I should say Bob Schieffers mother said, "go vote it makes you feel big and strong".  Please do vote November 6th, or before.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Daily Dose Oct 22

I wash my hands every time I use the restroom, not because I have pee’d on my hands but because it’s the right thing to do.  No one wants your personal germs and waste on anything that you touch when you are done, and when you don’t wash your hands you are spreading germs.  You have seen the signs at every restaurant that you have ever been to and at every gas station restroom that you have stopped by that not washing your hands spread disease.  I do not want to be the cause of or be the effect of someone not washing their hands.  I saw a news story over the weekend that a middle schooler Jasmine Roberts, hypothesized that the ice at fast food joints was probably dirtier than the toilets.  She went to five fast food restaurants and collected samples, by ordering cups of ice and put them in sterile beakers.  She also went into bathrooms, flushed the toilet once, and collected a sample.  The findings were pretty disturbing.   According to Jasmine she" found that 70-percent of the time, the ice from the fast food restaurant's contain more bacteria than the fast food restaurant's toilet water.”  Yuck now I have to rethink my ice consumption.  Because of these type studies I have quit getting lemon in my water and stopped using the glass glasses at hotels.  Maybe sometimes it is better just not knowing. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Oct 19

Expectations, we all have them for everything from how our day goes, to dealing with people to your day at work, school and home.  Here are a couple of expectations that have been blown apart at least for me, we have all seen movie trailers and have had friends tell us about which movie that you have to see, if “the” have to see movie of the year has a trailer that you liked, you plop down the money for the ticket, get your popcorn and pop and head into the theater to watch the flick only to be disappointed 9 out of ten times at the movie choice, I think part of it has to do with the buildup in your mind of the movie, either that or the only good parts were in the trailer.  Another disappointment that comes to mind is when you make or go out for dinner and order something either new or a returning favorite and for some reason it doesn’t make the cut either something got overdone or an ingredient was missing or your taste buds changed or something just isn’t right with the meal.  There are other expectations that fall thru the cracks regularly too like expecting a candidate to follow through with their promises.    

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Oct 18

Magnets are polarizing, so are political campaigns.  When I was growing up I was always told that who I vote for is my opinion and mine alone.  Of all the stuff I learned not to share this is about the one thing that I try not to tip my hand on.  I have opinions and I share them and if you ask my kids I overshare sometimes.  But politically I try to keep those opinions to myself.  The reason I bring this up is that there is a backlash happening right now with people who overshare their political ideas on facebook.  There are thousands of people dropping millions of friends over their sharing and over sharing of political bs.  I have a hand full of these so called friends, sharing their thoughts about why they think that this candidate is better than that one and to be honest I really don’t mind the facts but when people start putting out the same bs that we are seeing and hearing from the political action committees then they have gone to far.  I have not unfriended any of my facebook friends because of their thoughts, I would like to learn how to hide their status’ though.  A couple of questions I pose to you, have you unfriended anyone on facebook or in real life because of their political views, also how do I make it so that I do not have to see all the political bs that they keep posting on facebook? 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Don't be Unbored

If you hate it when your kids say, "I'm Booooooooooooooooooored!", instead of giving them chores to do, give them this book.  "Unbored" is by Joshua Glenn & Elizabeth Foy Larsen (Bloomsbury, ISBN 978-1-60819-641-8) and is filled with things kids ages 7-15 love to do.
Your kids will find movie and book suggestions, ideas for creating a band, and games they can play. They'll learn to (safely) blow things up, create a parkour field in your back yard, short-sheet a bed, determine the architectural history of a house at a glance, decorate their rooms and more.

Unbored by Joshua Glenn & Elizabeth Foy Larsen

Check out the 

Daily Dose of BS Oct 17

Let’s get ready to rumble…it was the rumble in the Bronx last night…ok not right in the Bronx but it was in New York.  I thought that Governor Mitt Romney and President Barak Obama were going to throw down their microphones, take off their coats, and come to blows.  A few times they were toe to toe and the interruptions from last night’s debate were like a family dinner table at Thanksgiving.   The lost look from both candidates a few times, and the refusal to answer the questions directly make me wonder if they listened to the questions.  Also when you know you are going to be asking a question don’t you think that you would have your question all ready to go?  Wouldn’t you have your glasses on and question in hand?   Being a person in media and always looking for ways to promote, I am proud of the Man “Kerry” for mentioning his business name and his buddies as he rattled off his question.  Only 21 days, can you handle it?

Monday, October 15, 2012


-Floss. Shut up about blood and it getting stuck in your teeth or a general fear of dentistry and just floss.
 -Watch both a sunset and a sunrise.
 -Sell your microwave. You’d be shocked how much healthier you eat when you have to clean a pan after every meal.
 -Stop blaming your parents for telling you you’re special. You now know it’s a lie, but you can only blame yourself for continuing to pretend it’s true.
 -Read books. Don’t blow your money on a Kindle under the premise that it’ll make you read more. There’s likely a library near you that’s full of wonders … and they’re all free.
 -Leave 15 minutes early for everything.
 -Drink chamomile tea. It’s good for nearly every part of your body. Instead of hoping one more cup of coffee will halt the shaking, drink some calming, honey-laden tea and think for a second.
 -Meet your neighbors. Bake something and give it to them. You don’t even have to talk to them; just give them cookies.
 -Stop pretending you’re sick of something when you seek it out on purpose online. You can willingly ignore Snooki’s baby. Either admit that it interests you or shut up.
  -Learn how to talk to kids. You’ll find out they aren’t little aliens or monsters; and no matter your gender or orientation, being good with kids is a massive plus in the dating world.
 -Catch up on your local news. What’s going on with Miley Cyrus’ hair is important, yes, but it doesn’t really affect your everyday life.

Daily Dose of BS Oct 15

The robo calls are coming the robo calls are coming.  I am not being chicken little but the robo calls are coming, election day is 22 days away.  I don’t know about you but we have less phones around the house than we used to, I believe we have 4, one in basement, one upstairs and 2 on the main floor.  The phones are like the remotes and the keys at my house, you set them where they are supposed to be and they migrate, and hid under things, like sofa cushions, under the blankets that drape over the chairs, in the fridge, I am still scratching my head on that one.  I did many years ago put the ice cream in the cupboard so I guess the phone in the fridge is not that big a stretch.  When the home phone used to ring back in the day everyone would jump to answer it, now when it rings no one moves even if the phone is right next to them it just rings and rings and rings, and if someone is inclined to pick up the phone they look at it see who it is and 9 of ten times don’t even answer.  What has the world of communications come to?  We jump over hurdles to text with someone and if we forget our phone at home our day is ruined, I have forgot to grab my phone a few mornings and most of the day I am worried about who I missed calls and texts from.  Guess what there are days I don’t even get calls or texts, I really don’t know what I am missing.  

Friday, October 12, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Oct 12

Not really sure who won last night.  I think if you are an Obama fan then Biden won, if you like Romney then Ryan won.  I posted on my facebook last night during the debate the question who is winning, and I think since I am in Wisconsin that more homegrown Wisconsin people are my friends that they picked Ryan, if you are listening to this, same deal, you most likely think that Ryan won, I think for just geographic reasons.  Who do you think won, and why?  I will tell you what I didn’t like was the interrupting, by the candidates, and by the moderator.  I feel that this was a tighter run debate than the past debate and I think that the candidates looked more at ease than their bosses.  It could be that they are sitting or it could be that they are not the face for the party but as the secondary face.  The CNN poll from immediately after the debate had Ryan topping Biden 48 to 44% while CBS had Biden winning 50 to 31%.  There are 25 days until the election, and that means only 25 more days of candidate overload and 25 days for you to make up your mind. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Oct 11

3 things on my mind today, well three things that are top of mind awareness.  Number 1 yesterday we heard that the La Crosse Police Department arrested a suspect in the double murder at Mays Photo, I am relieved that a suspect has been tied to this horrific event, I hope if found guilty that he gets what is coming to him. Number two, tonight Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan face off in what will be the biggest stage for these two men during the campaign, I have to say that I am excited to see what they will be talking about and how the two will match up.  Finally I am thinking about something that Pat Stephens was talking about yesterday at the Rotary Lights press conference, he said that more than $350,000 have been given to the many area non-profits that have helped with the Rotary Lights project, also keyed us in in the new displays and the new Santa Village.  Over 2.6 million lights will again be lighting up Riverside Park.  

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Oct 10

You’ve seen the Seinfeld episode where George Costanza eats a snickers bar with a fork and a knife right.  Yesterday afternoon I was at a joint meeting with the La Crosse Area Business Club and the Onalaska Area Business Association and I was sitting next to one of our members who was eating a chocolate covered strawberry with a knife and a fork.  Which made me think of other strange things that we have seen over the course of being at different places, I have seen many people use a paper towel at a restroom in order to open the door, people use straws to drink out of a can, eat a tootsie roll by holding on to the paper to pop it into their mouth.  I have some weirdnesses too ask my kids, friends and family.  For one it took me a long time to be able to bring my kids into a public restroom, I hated that they wanted to touch everything, I am ok with it now, but it took me a couple of years.  We all have our weird stuff and it is ok to be different, celebrate who you are and be proud of your differences.  

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Oct 9

Four weeks from today hopefully a record turnout, I am talking about the presidential election.  Kind of funny when I was a kid I always looked forward to Christmas and Summer vacation, now with Christmas the day comes and goes quickly but the season is there for a while, and with summer vacation a week isn’t anything like getting a whole summer off.  But Election Day now that is a day that we as Americans can sink our teeth into.  We hear about the day starting about the first Wednesday in November (that is the day after election day for those keeping score) and from not only the candidates, but from the pacs and the super pacs and I am guessing if we wait around enough there will be super-duper pacs and maybe in the future we will see the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious pac.  I can hardly wait until that one hits.  Maybe that will be the return to truth.  What is it with these ads?  I was watching a TV show I recorded on Sunday last night and for grins and giggles I let the commercials play, and in my best Gomer Pyle impersonation there were nothing but political ads.  I have said it in the past the only people making money during an election are the political advisors, and the media.  Also why would someone want to be out in the public for people to watch your every move?  God bless them as they seem to love it.  And heck if they didn’t do it I would miss one of my favorite times of the year.  Happy month before election, strap in and enjoy the ride. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Oct 8

I don’t get it, you go to the doctor because you have pain in your back, you get a shot, then you have to worry about coming down with a deadly fungal meningitis.  As of 530 this morning 91 people have been sickened 91 people who went to the doctor’s office expecting to be fixed and 91 people so far, and the potential of hundreds more getting affected by this nationwide outbreak of meningitis.  I understand that this was a horrible mistake made by a pharmacy in Massachusetts, don’t they test for this?  The CDC website lists the names of 75 clinics in 23 states where this drug was sent.  Over the weekend Michigan, Minnesota, and Ohio joined 6 other states that have been hit.  In Tennessee alone 32 cases of meningitis with 3 deaths, this type of meningitis is not contagious and can't be spread from person to person.  Prescription drugs making more news today too, I heard a report this morning that said that now prescription drug overdoses are the leading cause of accidental death of people even higher than car accidents.  I am glad when I mess up it is a song title or a misread forecast, and not death and mayhem, I guess when I miss speak maybe you will wear a coat at the wrong time, or buy the wrong song, but not die.  I see why insurance rates keep rising.  

Friday, October 5, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Oct 5

What a difference 24 hours makes.  Yesterday at this time I was in shorts, was aware that it was going to get cold, but was in shorts.  Last night while getting ready to ride in the Oktoberfest Torchlight parade, I had to dig out the long pants, winter jacket, hat, and gloves.  What a difference that 24 hours makes, I hear that Northern Minnesota and Western North Dakota got hit with a winter storm with up to a foot of snow blanketing the area.  Way, way, way too early.  This weekend is an exciting time for a bunch of kids and their parents, a learning experience if you will, this is the official youth deer hunt weekend giving children between 10 and 15 a chance to get into the woods with an adult hunter a month or so before the more seasoned hunters and the regular hunt at the end of November.  I have done this hunt every year for the past at least 6 years with my boys usually heading to hunt with a group of great friends in Wonewoc Wisconsin this year my son Zak wanted to try it with just the two of us at our family land, I will let you know the results come Monday.  So if you are headed out to the woods this weekend, be safe remember the rules, be respectful and most of all have fun.  

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Oct 4

Talk about uncomfortable.  Watching the debate last night, was like I felt when I was a kid getting lectured by my parents, the uncomfortable look that each candidate had when the other was talking was at times hard to watch; from the look around, to the awkward smiles, eyebrow raises, and face scratches I am sure that that is what I did when I was getting talked to when I was a kid, heck I bet I do it now when the boss calls me in the office.  Where was the control of the debate?  Jim Lehrer in my eyes didn’t have control of the debate at all, as a friend of mine Chris posted on facebook last night “Jim Lehrer is like the grandpa at dinner table who falls asleep and wakes up randomly shouting.”  I heard a news story yesterday afternoon that said the candidate who blinks less usually wins, so of course I noticed the eye blinking, they both were big blinkers, I felt like I was following a car with the blinker stuck.  The think about these debates is that it seems like the candidates try to get their talking points out for the public to hear rather than answer the questions.  And I don’t know if you caught the bowling hall pin crash toward the end of the debate (what the heck was that?).  I am not sure if these debates help or hurt a candidate, who in your opinion won the debate?  And why?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Want to publish a book?

Daily Dose of BS Oct 3

I am proud of my friend Jennifer Livingston she was called a bad role model for young girls because of her weight.  Jen has taken an email from a viewer, a negative email and flipped it into a positive thing, Jennifer standing up for herself and using this negative moment in her life as a teaching moment has me and a hundred thousand others including the national news shows, and Ellen standing and cheering in her corner.  As a person in the public eye you get ridiculed and are often put under a more powerful microscope than the average person, also for some reason people feel the need to point out your flaws.  Didn't your mom teach you about those in glass houses?  We all have our crosses to bear, our kryptonite if you will that weighs us down.  As Jennifer so eloquently put it “to all the children out there who feel lost...who are struggling with weight, the color of your skin, your sexual preference, your disability - even the acne on your face...listen to me right now. Do not let yourself worth be defined by bullies.”   Jennifer went on to point out that October in National Anti-Bullying month.  I leave you with this be yourself, live life to its fullest, love yourself, and be proud of who you are.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Movie catch phrases

According to a new Now TV poll, these are the best-ever famous lines from films …
5. “Life is like a box of chocolates …” – Tom Hanks in “Forrest Gump” (1994).
4. “May the Force be with you.” – Harrison Ford in “Star Wars” (1977).
3. “Houston, we have a problem.” – Tom Hanks in “Apollo 13” (1995).
2. “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” – Clark Gable in “Gone With the Wind” (1939).
1. “I’ll be back!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger in “The Terminator” (1984).

Daily Dose of BS Oct 2

Today marks the 3rd anniversary of my life changing.  Three years ago today I got called into the operations managers’ office and my program director was in there, they said sit down.  I think in the back of my mind I knew why I was called in but didn’t want to believe it.  I was working at my former employer for 15 and half years, 15 and a half years all coming crashing down around me.  I was one of a handful of people I knew in the radio business that hadn’t been laid off.  October 2, 2009 that all changed.  It was the biggest kick in the shorts that I could have had at the time, Christmas was coming up and the 4 kids wanted i-pod touches.  It’s funny to look back at it now, I thought that my job was what defined me, I thought of what I did, was who I was.  Getting laid off was in retrospect the best thing that happened to me; it allowed me to know that radio is not the definer of Bob Schmidt.  The reality check was there, it gave me the chance to grow my personal business,  Kooler Promotions LLC and my , it also gave me the chance to work on my relationships with my kids, friends, and family, it gave me the chance to spread my wings and grow as a person.  At the time I wanted to yell and cry and I did do both, but ended up in a better and a place, a place where I am appreciated and that is a much better fit for me.  For the guys that laid me off, thank you for giving me the chance to spread my wings, and for my team at the La Crosse Radio Group thank you for giving me the opportunity to grow.  

Monday, October 1, 2012

If its rusty you must be a teenager....What your car color says about you

Green – You’re an optimistic, well-adjusted joiner who likes the good things in life. (Only someone really materialistic could want a money-colored vehicle.)

Red – You are impulsive, athletic, and quick to speak your mind, but suffer emotional ups and downs. (Most likely to give another driver the dastardly digit.)

Blue – You’re relaxed and at peace with yourself. (No wonder you only drive so damn slow … move it, gramps!)

Brown – You’re conservative and like to plan everything out carefully. (Like never having to wash your car.)

White – You’re honest, nurturing, supportive, and need to feel needed. (You’re a mom.)

Daily Dose of BS Oct 1

Best fest parade ever.  I usually hate parades, I have had to be in them on and off over the past 25 years because of my chosen profession, and they usually are long and the weather is usually less than desirable, this year we got thru the parade in about an hour and a half, with a perfect temperature.  It is funny if you have something to giveaway there are always people with their hands out wanting the freebie, that is fine with me since it is a parade and but when you expect it that is where I have a problem with it.  I don’t owe anybody anything especially someone whom I have never met how is on the parade route asking for a can cooler saying I love your music or you are my favorite station when wearing another stations t-shirt.  First of all we are a Talk station so music wise we don’t play any and when it comes to wearing another stations t-shirt cool I have a bunch of station t-shirts from over the years, but don’t tell me I am your favorite and then not know where we are on the dial.  Got a few beverages from friends both old and new at the parade and Olys Donuts brought me over a bag of mini donuts.   Wrapped up the night at the Duct Tape Lodge with friends, happy rest of fest.