Friday, September 30, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 30

I remember going to Q convenience store when I was a kid and getting fountain pop.  They had small, medium, and large.  One day they had a new cup the extra large cup…32 oz of my favorite pop.  I was excited.  I bought one drank about half of it and thought to myself how can someone drink all that pop.  I continued to try and finally was able to choke down that much carbonated sweetness…flash forward 25 years, I no longer drink that much pop, my kids do, but me…not so much.  I was looking last time I was at Kwik Trip and the 32oz extra large from when I was a kid is now the medium sized fountain pop, and we have all seen those insulated mugs that look like little garbage cans sitting on our co-workers desks.  It is no wonder that we are overweight, jittery and can’t sleep anymore.   

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 28

The other day my dog started barking and wouldn’t stop.  I went to see what was going on.  This old man had walked behind my car past my garage into my yard to take, no make that steal the aluminum cans that my kids have been saving for about a month.  I yelled out what are you doing and he responded I am picking up cans and talked to Harters about this and they said it was ok.  I am going to call an audible BS it is not ok, because I called Harters and they said it is against the law to as they called it “dumpster dive” in the city of La Crosse.  Now I wouldn’t mind if I had the aluminum cans out by my garbage cans but to walk into my yard take the aluminum, take money out of my kids pockets, lie to me and then argue with me about taking cans from my yard….well I have a problem with that. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 26

I have been in radio for over 22 years and for the most part have loved every minute.  I have been able to help out with different fund raising opportunities, come up with and execute promotions,  interview and meet many of my favorite bands, got to meet lots of famous people, even got to spend some time with President Bill Clinton.  It has been a real cool job.  There are some things about the job that I usually don’t like doing…most notably riding in parades.  I had to ride in the Oktoberfest opening day parade on Friday, and it really wasn’t bad.  The parade I really wasn’t looking forward to riding in was on Saturday the huge Mapleleaf Parade.  This is the first year I got to be a part of a float rather than just driving a station vehicle in it, and I really had fun.  Saw tons of people I know, got a few high five and a bunch of smiles.  Up next the Torchlight parade, see you Thursday night.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 21

A friend of mine heard a comedian say that you should never think about what was washed last with a bar of soap while you are standing in the shower.  I have tried to live by that since I first heard that…however sometimes you got to wonder… I am a bar soap guy I hate the liquid soaps that are flooding the market.  I think it is because you have to use one of those weird scrunchie things to wash with.  I tried to get in this century and use the bottled soap but just can’t do it.  Give me a good old bar of soap and I will have a happy shower.  There is a point in which the bar of soap gets to be about the size of a hotel bar and too small to use, that is when a new bar gets brought out.  The reason I bring this up is that we had guests on Monday night, they all showered yesterday after I left for work, used the rest of the soap and didn’t replace it, so I had to use my teenagers liquid soap this morning, I guess what I am saying is that I am excited to see if AXE soap really works.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 20

I saw what you did.  Have you ever looked around to see if someone was watching when you did something from adjusting yourself to when you tripped over the sidewalk or on the carpet at work?  I know when I do something like that I always look around to see if someone is watching or if someone saw what I did.  Sometimes you get lucky and there was no one around, but that is not being the case in today’s society.  There are cameras everywhere, and I mean everywhere, I read that on an average day we are on someone’s camera at least 75 times a day in the US and over 300 times per day in London.  I am guessing that, that number is a bit lower in our neck of the woods, but there are still cameras watching your every move…and if the camera misses it I am guessing that someone saw, and is watching, someone knows your secret.  As a matter of fact, dude in the red car driving down Jackson Street early last night, right before the sun went down…I saw what you were doing, next time grab a Kleenex. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 19

Weird weekend, I stayed home because my son asked me to.  I could have gone on a trip to Northern Minnesota for my Father-In-Laws 80th birthday.  My son had to work…I ended up having to also.  I realized that I am not a good be at home by myself person.  I don’t mind being at home for short bursts of time, but give me a weekend and I am going stir crazy.  I got bored, I grocery shopped, I went out for a few beers, I had diner with a friend, I did some cooking, cleaned the fridge out, emptied the dishwasher, filled the dishwasher, emptied the dishwasher and refilled the dishwasher,  went to a movie (don’t see Drive by the way waste of time)  I cleaned my office, ok I moved some things around in my office and it took me 4 hours to do it, I get easily distracted, I pick up some papers to throw them away and end up reading those papers before throwing them away, do this times a thousand papers it ends up taking hours of time.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 16

These last few days it has felt like fall is in the air.  I refuse to turn on the heat in the house until at least Oktoberfest.   I was tempted to yesterday.  I took my usual nap after work and had to grab a blanket.  I also have the windows closed.  I don’t know if I am getting old or it really is chilly.  I turned on the car heat both yesterday morning and this morning to help with the moisture on the windows, but grabbed a jacket on my way out today.  I like the seasons we have here, but does fall need to start so early?  I am still planning on wearing shorts till the first snowfall….

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 15

The La Crosse police department wants to do away with crossing guards.  They say that this will cut about 51 thousand dollars from the budget.  Isn’t this cost a necessary cost?  As a parent I am concerned especially since there are tons of vehicles on the busy streets of LaCrosse not paying attention, and having a crossing guard there is an extra pair of eyes for the excited child just finishing school.  What is the cost of a child getting hurt?  Pulling the crossing guards now????  Weird since the Childhood Obesity Coalition is pushing for kids to walk and bike to school with the safe routes to school programs, and there are different programs at the different schools that encourage kids to walk and bike to school.   These programs are working as more than 25% of the students in La Crosse County are walking to school and these numbers have increased over the past few years.  I believe that the crossing guards not only help with the kids safely crossing busy intersections but that they are also a “positive role model and a trusted adult” on the long walk home for many children.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 14

I haven’t worked retail since I was in high school.  I have a few friends that work it now as a second job.  I am surprised that with many retail stores have call-in shifts, where you are on the schedule to call in to see if you are needed.  I would think that as productive member of the community you would have better things to do than to schedule your life around the “possibility” of working.  Don’t get me wrong, having a second job is a good thing for the economy.  But having a “chance” to work at a job and not get paid to be on call….not being paid for the opportunity to not work and then scheduling or not scheduling a family event or a vacation or a get away in order to not work seems silly to me.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 12

This weekend was a weekend filled with emotions from the Steppin Out in Pink walk on Saturday where 5400 people walked for breast cancer, to the Freedom walk yesterday and all the emotions that, that brought up.  My middle son had home work over the weekend, he had to interview us about what we were doing and thinking on September 11th 2001.  I was on the air with another radio station here in La Crosse and a listener called to say a plane hit the world trade center, we turned on the TV and like the rest of the nation we were in shock.  My oldest son was in first grade at Holy Trinity School, they pulled the kids into church after the terror attack, to pray for victims and to talk about what happened.  I like most, called all my loved ones and cried in disbelief.  In this past Saturdays La Crosse Tribune Kari Knutson wrote a column about never forget September 12…from how we reached out to friends, family and even neighbors, and how she chose to remember a nation united in it’s greif.  I am sad that we have lost some of the camaraderie that we had for about 3 months after the attack.  God bless America and as Kari Knutson wrote lets never forget September 12.  read it here 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 6

Ten years ago this Sunday is a day that most in our generation will remember like the, landing on the moon of the generation before, and the death of President Kennedy of the generation before that.  Why is it that the networks think that they own it?  If you have watched any network tv in the past couple of weeks, they claim to be the best and the first.  I will be willing to bet that you don’t remember where you heard it or what channel broke the news to you but you remember the feelings you had…the patriotism that felt, the American Pride that you had for the days, weeks and months after the tragic 9/11 attack at the World Trade Center.  I was working on the radio here in LaCrosse when a listener called and said a plane crashed into the World Trade Center and then a few minutes later another caller and then even more callers called with the news.  We reported the news and the feelings of the people who were living it, experiencing it, seeing it.  It was weird to have all air traffic cease after that day and when it finally resumed, remember how weird it felt and sounded?  I hope and pray that we never have to relive another 9/11 type attack on America.  

Friday, September 2, 2011

oops..Daily Dose September 1st...forgot to post

My middle son is a teenager today, for many of the past 8 years he has started school on his birthday, this year is no different.  I give him lots of credit, I would have been upset going to school on my birthday.  I grew up in Minnesota and when I was a kid we never started school before Labor Day.  Now the kids start September 1st and go till the first week in June.  I think that is a long school year, see my post yesterday, I don’t think it is bad just long.  If there are any snow days the kids get a “freebie”  then after one, they start adding days at the end of the year.   So in theory we could go to school till July if we have a bad enough winter…it is sad to think that this is a possibility.  Could you imagine going to school even past the first week in June?  Anyway happy birthday Zak and hope everyone had a great first day of school.