Yesterday I was talking about my kids and going to games at the Shelby fields…it paid off, my sons baseball team won the in-house tournament and my daughters softball team took second in their tournament. I don’t know about you, but I had about 3 good ideas for my topic today and ran them through my head a few times thinking I will remember these. Guess what I didn’t remember any one of them. What is it with our memories lately? It is not only mine but others I talk with as well. I know I suffer from Can’t Remember Stuff, and I thought I heard of a self help group for it, but I can’t remember where it is. I will admit that sometimes it is selective remembering, if it is something that I don’t want to do or a chore that is on the hunny do list, I may forget that, but some serious things have been forgotten over the years, like that idea I had for world peace…
Join me weekdays on the radio mornings on Today's Talk 1490 and afternoons on Magic 105
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Daily Dose of BS July 28
My oldest son just got his license and a car. He is complaining about gas prices already. Yesterday he put $40.01 of his own money into his car and said “Dad it was only ½ tank.” I think now he realizes that things are not free. Including time. As a parent of 4 kids I often find that my “free” time is taken up with watching this or watching that. In fact over the past 2 weeks I have been to countless baseball and softball games at the Shelby ball fields (missing out on Logger games)…and many double headers and a few divide and conquer games where we each take a game. The final game of the regular season- in -house tournament is tonight for both kids in ball and tomorrow starts the final tournament of the season. Up next…football, wrestling, hockey x2 and basketball, and don’t forget trips up to Mt La Crosse for snowboarding. Thank goodness for all my “free time”
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Daily Dose of BS July 27
Life is too short. If you think about it our whole lives could end in a second, we will all leave unfinished business…each and every one of us will. I came up with a quote about life long ago and I will share it with you…Life is too short to work at a job you don’t like, hang with people you don’t love, eat things you don’t want and to drink crappy beer. If you think about it, life is too short to do the things that don’t make you happy. Why should we put ourselves in the situation of not enjoying all the gifts that we have? I am not saying that we are not going to do things that we don’t like cause that is part of life, but why set yourself up for misery, or failure? DO the right things to get your life on track…and every once in a while enjoy something you love.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Daily Dose of BS July 26
I have really bad handwriting. In fact I am a horrible speller as well, I think I talked about that before; I also hate talking in front of people. Weird I am a radio guy…plus my mind wanders. Back to having horrible handwriting, I had a teacher in 7th grade, Mr Schwartz, that came up to me one day in class and suggested after trying to read my cursive writing that I resort to printing. I did this for about 3 or 4 months when he came up to me and told me I should really look at typing. I didn’t bother with learning to type until I was an adult. I ended up with a highbred form of writing that would rival any doctors writing, I print, write and use squiggles and straight lines to form my words, in fact my writing is so bad that when I try to go back and read my writing I sometimes have no idea what a word is, that happens more often then not.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Monday, July 25, 2011
Daily Dose of BS July 25
Yesterday I had the chance to head up to the Twin Cities to see the Minnesota Twins. I grew up in the Twin Cites, but have been in La Crosse for 19 years and am more of a Brewers fan than a Twins fan, but since they each play in different leagues…I guess it is ok to like them both. I bring this up because of the fun that I had on the bus ride up and back. I know I preach of camaraderie often. But nothing really beats a bus trip with a bunch of people you both know and don’t know. You get a chance to meet new people and visit with old friends. When given the chance to go on a bus trip to a concert, sports event or city visit, I would suggest that you spread your wings and take the trip.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Daily Dose of BS July 20
Today is day 4 in operation sweaty body…heat indices of 105-115. Just a reminder that on days like today to make sure you keep yourself well hydrated. Now that word is one word that I never used until the advertising agencies decided that it was a word, and now you hear it all the time. Mostly dealing with sports drinks and bottled water, which is something I never thought I would drink but since I am not a big pop drinker I tend to lean towards consuming lots of water in the day. I guess what I am trying to say is keep cool, and hydrated with the beverage of your choice on this hot day…is it pop or soda…I guess that could be a discussion for another day.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Monday, July 18, 2011
Daily Dose of BS July 18
Hot enough for ya? I hate when people say that. If it is too hot for you why would you ask someone if it was hot enough for them? I am writing this on Sunday afternoon as my kids play at what they call the the star park. It is really the Trane park on the soth side, the call it the star park cause it has the water sprayer in the shape of a star. You know we are lucky to live in a community where there are so many parks and they are all beautiful in their own way. And this heat it is good...sometime, but I am ready for a break in it least a break in the humidity.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Friday, July 15, 2011
Daily Dose of BS July 15
As I was getting my show ready today, I started to think how lucky we are to have information at our fingertips. When I was a kid and wanted to know how to spell something my Mom told me to look it up in the dictionary, now I just type it in a word program and it auto corrects. If I wanted to know about the history of the United States, I had to look in the encyclopedias in the den then go to the library to do more research. Now I don’t know anyone with an encyclopedia set at their house, and the last time I went to the library to do research was quite awhile ago…now going to the library is fun, getting books, music, or DVD’s, oh yea to vote also.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Daily Dose of BS July 14
Christian Lopez…may not be a name your familiar with, but I bet if I say the guy who caught the Derek Jeter 3000th hit ball I’ll bet you know who I am talking about. Now this guy Christian catches the ball and then gives it to Derek Jeter with out wanting anything in return…a ball that could be worth 500,000 dollars. I have done some soul searching since this has happened, and wondered if it was me that caught the ball would I have returned it to Jeter? I really do not know what I would do if in that situation, the money would be nice, but I am guessing that the benefits that are going to fall on this young man are far going to out weigh the half million dollars that he could have got if he sold that ball. Not only that but I think that Christian Lopez is a stand up guy who has a great future ahead of him.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Daily Dose of BS July 13
I am listening to Bob and Sherri while writing today's Daily Dose of BS and the song “Ya had a bad day” by Daniel Powter (see video here ) is on the radio right now, it got me thinking…Don’t we make our own destiny? You could be dealt lemons and you have the choice to make it lemonade or to be sour about what cards you were dealt. I am a firm believer that we reap what we sow… if we are happy and show our happiness we will have a happy better day than if we are constantly bitching and moaning about how bad our lives are… so buck up Sparky and have a great day.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Daily Dose of BS July 12
I have always had a high tolerance for pain. I went to “boot camp” fitness class yesterday and it kicked my ass. I hurt in places that I didn’t even know that I had muscles. I have never been the Adonis, always been a big boy, but in the past 2 years I have been going to Snap Fitness and doing the circuit weights and the cardiovascular machines, I figured it was time to step up the excising…and do a “boot camp”…I am looking forward to the next class, that’s if I can get out of this chair.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Monday, July 11, 2011
Daily Dose of BS July 11
I think that dogs should be in the back seat and restrained while in a car. I saw a dog on my way to drop off a kid at an event, Dads taxi service is another topic. While driving to drop off my daughter at softball there was a dog pacing in the car in front of me on the back ledge of the car, now being a guy i said to my daughter wouldn't it be funny if that dog pooped in the car. That got me thinking that it was a distraction for that dog to be walking and thus could have caused an accident, this is why I think that dogs should be in a still would have been funny if it would have pooped.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Friday, July 8, 2011
Daily Dose of BS July 8
I don’t know about you but when I cook I plan for leftovers on a daily basis that way I have lunch. I have planed-overs if you will everyday. I am not a guy who likes to have a pb and j that is a good snack but not a lunch. The reason I bring this up is I like to cook with spice and almost on a daily basis I have someone say wow who is trying to ward off the vampire or some smart alex comment on the amount of spice I put on my planed-overs, in fact one of the guys I work with eats Ramon noodles for lunch everyday and when I first started here he warned me that my garlicky lunch better not wreck the taste of his Ramon… I told him that it can only improve his lunch. He has yet to complain.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Daily Dose of BS July 7
Weird how you get used to something as small as a cell phone. I forgot mine at home today and wow do I feel lost without it. Crazy how you use your phone for everything from talking on the phone to checking Facebook and emails to recording the important things you run into with the built in camera. If we carry a phone we are tethered to the world, we can be found and find ourselves. I hope I don't forget my phone again.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Daily Dose of BS July 6
Motivation….what motivates you? I am not sure what does me. It depends on the day, some day’s it seems as money is the motivator and the next the family, the job, or the promise of relaxation, the outlook to the weekend...on short weeks I tend to look more forward to the weekend.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Daily Dose of BS July 5
Missed opportunity? How often do you not make eye contact with someone while somewhere? I like to people watch…this past weekend I was in Duluth and saw a person that looked familiar, I asked this person if he was so and so and it was a guy I went to Roseville High School with 24 years ago, it was good to catch up, of course we are both heavier than we were in our prime, but what the heck, it has been 24 years right. Today’s BS thought …keep your head up, eyes forward and an open mind, cause you never know what you will find.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
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