Thursday, June 30, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 30

Yesterday evening I stopped at a fast food restaurant to pick up something cold to drink while watching my sons baseball game at Shelby.  I went in as there were about 5 cars ahead of me in line.  I ordered my drinks, from a great trainee she was pleasant and cheerful.  I appreciate good customer service, and I think that the girl who was working the register will go far….I moved over to the waiting area of the counter to wait for my drink, all 3 of the drinks were about an inch from the top and the girl working that station kind of shook the cup and squeezed one of them to fluff up the cup.   I asked her to fill the cup full, I got a dirty look but she reluctantly agreed to fill the 3 cups full.  Was it wrong to ask for a full glass?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 28

Friendship is a great thing.  I am blessed to have such great friends; my kids think it is weird that I have friends that are both the parents and the kids.  I was a LaCrosse Jaycee for many years before I aged out and in the years I was in that group I met many great people who had kids that grew up into great young men and women.  In fact one of the guys I go fishing with is a good friend and I am friends with his dad as well…my friend Brad who is getting married this weekend is the son of one of my best friends.  Friendship is a great thing. Thanks to all who truly are my friends. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 27

Have you ever been out to eat and got something bad?  Something that you weren’t expecting, something raw, or over cooked?  Did you call the waitress over to bitch about your meal?  I bet that you did…or at least thought of it.  Now flip the page over and imagine you just had the best meal you ever had at that same restaurant, did you call the waitress over to tell her that?  I bet not.  Why is it that we are free and open to bitch and point out the faults of someone or something but are reserved when we are brought greatness?  I don’t know the reason for this either, but it is pretty sad that we do not go out of our way to point out the right or the exceptional.  I for one am going to try to start doing this.  

Friday, June 24, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 24

I remember hearing stories about how crabby the people working at the DOT are.  I have not seen that in the many times I have been to the DOT.  In fact yesterday I had yet another date at the DOT as my oldest son took his drivers test.  He passed, the lady who did the test said he did a good job and told us about a couple of things that he needed to work on.  We then waited for the automated voice to tell us we were next, oh great another bureaucrat to deal with…pay for the license, switch a title, and get out…not the case of course, according to my son I gotta talk with everyone.  Needless to say I found out that Maria who helped us out was a Magic 105 listener and has been told by a person in line that she was too nice…is there such a thing?…I promised I wouldn’t embarrass her, ok maybe a just a little.  Long story short no need to fear going to the DOT.  

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 23

I am one of the lucky parents who get to spend lots of time with my kids, so far this summer we have had a trip to the Dells and a Brewers game, and have had many conversations around the fire pit.  It is amazing to listen to them talk and dissect life.  In fact listening to my middle son yesterday evening talk about how he thinks about consequences of his actions makes a Dad proud.  It is not very often that even adults think through to the consequences of their actions…..and to think through something like…what if….something we did today changed our day and in turn maybe changed our life.  Actions have consequences and consequences have outcomes, some good some bad.  It is amazing that an overheard conversation between my children opened my eyes.  It is time to step up to the plate and take responsibility for our actions.   

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 21

Went to the Dells over the weekend, and used the WI Dells season opener cards.  What a great way to save money and enjoy what the Dells has to offer.  If you had the chance to pick up the cards, you can save on everything at the Dells from places to stay, to food, to shopping at the Dells.  But best of all you can save on many of the attractions at the Dells including some free and some $3 admissions.  My family got to go on the Jet Boats and also took in an upper Dells tour as well.  Some shopping was also done and don’t forget about water parks and goofy golf.   If your looking for a fun vacation close to home, check out the Dells.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 17

We live in a pretty safe area, why do so many people lock and alarm their cars?  I very rarely have anything of any value in my car and if I do what is to stop someone who really wants what I have from taking it?  The reason I bring this up is a few weeks ago, I locked my keys in the car.  Stupid right?  I had to walk back in to the store where I was shopping and ask for a wire hanger, I luckily had the window open a crack so it was easy to get in.  The other day a co-worker had locked her keys into her car, so I did a bit of internet research to help her to break into her car.  No luck, I did find lots of bad advice on the internet and lots of myths that are out there to be busted.  She ended up calling a tow truck to break into her car.  Lesson learned….at least till the next time.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 16

What are you suppose to do with the extra soap from a bar once it gets to small to hang on to?  I hate when I get into the shower and all that is left is a little sliver of soap.  What are you to do with that?  It is too small to wash with and if you try molding it to the next piece of soap it doesn’t stick to it and if it does it slips and makes the bar uneven and hard to use the next time and then it eventually falls off.  Also have you thought of what the last person who used the soap washed and the first thing you wash? 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 15

Fathers day is coming on Sunday.  As a Dad I am looking forward to what my kids will say or do on this day.  I remember when I was as kid that I was always bugged by the fact that my Mom and my Dad had their own special day and as a kid I only had my birthday, Christmas, Easter, the tooth fairy, Saturdays and Sundays, the last day of school, when Grandma and Grandpa would come over and just about every  other present getting day that was out there, their a wasn’t kids day.  I remember it like it was yesterday when my Dad said everyday is kids day …. at the time I didn’t realize that he was right.  We tend to give our kids a lot, and that is ok, as long as it is not too much.  This coming Sunday if your Dad is around, I suggest that you take a few minutes out of the day to either stop by and see him or give him a call, and if you haven’t spoke to him in years, look him up and say hi.  I am lucky I have a great Dad, sure there are times that we disagree with each other but we love each other and it is one of my most cherished relationships that I have.  For you Dad, enjoy your day, and remember I love you….Happy Fathers Day.  

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 14

On days when it is rainy we are hoping for sun, on super hot days we wish for cool and on cold days we thinking about the warm days.  Why is it that we can’t be happy with what we have?  I am as guilty of it as everyone is, in fact my office window faces East and every morning as I am doing my show prep for the radio show if it is super sunny I end up closing the blinds as I don’t like the sun shining right in my eyes.  On a dull and dreary day I am wishing for sun….crazy we should all be happy to accept what is thrown our way. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 13

Everyone needs a weekend away with friends.  I got to spend the weekend with some good friends fishing in Algoma Wisconsin.  Our group chartered a boat -From Fishin Magician Charters, for the 7th straight year- we caught 8 salmon and 1 lake trout.   A trip like this is not about the catching of the fish -it is a big bonus- it is about the time, the quality bonding time you get to spend with your buddies, giving each other crap and drinking beer, also telling fish stories.  If you ever have the chance to take a charter fishing trip, I would suggest it.  These memories are good for the pages of your life.  The first charter fishing trip I took was 10 years ago with the sponsor of The Daily Dose of BS, Dr. Micheal Uss invited me to go on his trip.  

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 9

I started doing Improv about 3 years ago, which is weird since I hate performing in front of groups.  Also weird that I am in radio but that is a story for another day.  A co-worker had got me involved in it, and I tell you what it is one of my favorite things to do.  Every Monday night my group, Sum Assembly Reekwired gets together and plays.  As an adult we are taught that playing is not for adults…I am here to whole heartedly disagree with that statement.  Playing I believe is what keeps our minds lubricated, useful, and creative.  If you are interested in learning more about the art of playing, join us for Improv tonight thru Saturday at The Muse Theatre.  Or contact me to find out how you can “Play” with us.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 8

reduce reuse and recycle. We have been hearing of this for the past how many years now? I have taken this to heart when working on the family cabin. I have bought windows from the Habitat for Humanity restore, I have used reclaimed wood from friends projects and the grill I have been using for the past 4 years was one I got from a friend of mine. My grill has finally died and I would like to continue my streak of using a reclaimed grill. I just missed my neighbors grill by an hour, as she put it out by the trash, mentioned to me that it was there to only find that one of the recyclers stopped by earlier to grab it. So if you have a grill that works, and don't feel right about throwing it away, I would be happy to take it off your hands.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 7

As hot as it was yesterday, thank God for Air Conditioning.  I must admit that the air is on at my house and will be for the next few days.  I do like to be able to fall asleep and not wake up in a pool of sweat.  Yesterdays heat brought out the fun in my kids, sometimes when it is hot we are crabby, at least I am…yesterday my kids set up the sprinkler and a second hose and had it running down the slide, they then made water park tickets and handed them out to the family.  I went to the Schmidt water park for an hour or so, and didn’t spend a dime, and had fun.  Try to keep cool today, and enjoy what you got. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 6

Have you ever been underwhelmed by a store?  I have heard good things about a local business so I thought I would try it out.  I wanted to give my money to a local business rather than a big box store or order online.  I needed a specific part for a specific piece of equipment.  I ordered the part I needed from this local business and was told that it would take 2 business days, I waited 3 days and returned to the store only to be told that it hadn’t come in yet.  Ok, not a biggie (not their fault, shipping can be delayed), I was told that the part would be by Friday, I went back to store on Friday to get part also to pick up something I dropped off to get fixed, the thing I dropped off to be fixed had not been worked on and the part that I ordered didn’t come in.  Talk about ticking a guy off.  As a small business in a small town you would think that service would be king.  I guess not….

Friday, June 3, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 3

One thing that angers me is when people have no regard for your time.  I hate when people are late, when computers are slow and people have no to be me first.  Life is too short to have computers be slow and for you to not take the time to enjoy what is offered to you.  Take in and enjoy the gifts that you have been given.  To touch on the late issue, life is quick and when you keep pushing your meeting especially with loved ones, you are going to miss out on the important things in life

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 2

I don’t know about you but I crave information.  I like to know things and like to have access to them at my fingertips.  This is why I love the internet, I love that I can go online from just about anywhere to access the information that I crave, now.  I also do some writing, journaling if you will….blogging and have ideas hit me at the weirdest places.  Up until a few months ago I was at the mercy of writing down my ideas and then emailing them to myself.  This worked out great till I went to my father in laws and the complex where he lives doesn’t have internet, I was able to save the writings on my hard drive, guess what my hard drive crashed and I lost all my stuff.  Enter “The Safe” from LifeLink not only is “The Safe” a portable USB drive that is built to take with you it also offers preformatted easy to fill in forms so you can carry your information with you.  You don’t need to worry about your info falling into the wrong hands either “The Safe” offers a built in security system.  So if you crave information and are like me and want what you want now, check out “The Safe” from LifeLink .... Would you like one?  If so email me at and I will pick a winner from all who reply by June 6th 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Daily Dose of BS June 1

Played in a softball game yesterday evening and I did everything I have been preaching to my kids over the years.  I tried my hardest, I hustled on and off the field, I listened to the coach, I had fun and a smile on my face.  The reason I bring this up is after the game, I felt like an all star.  My kids still look to me as their hero, my daughter asked me for my autograph, everyone of my kids told me I did a good job and one of my sons asked if he could wear my jersey to school today.  I know I didn’t play the best on the team, but I did play to my best ability, and am thankful I was able to get out of bed this morning (a 42 year old overweight body is not built for softball) Did I mention I didn’t even play in the sand…