They say that billions and billions of people tuned in to the Royal Wedding today at some point. Unless you boycott all tv and all radio, you will hear something about the wedding. I got a wake up call when I woke up this morning when I turned on my morning media the national news had only Royal Wedding stuff on (that includes this radio station). I went to check my emails at home and Yahoo was screaming Royal Wedding….. Punched up and down the dial and guess what the Royal Wedding. I even made my daily call to home to talk to the kids and when I asked my nine year old daughter what she was doing she replied duh Dad I am watching the Royal Wedding. Now ladies I know you think that this is the greatest day ever and that this day you all live for but as a guy…..I think it should be called the Royal Pain in the Ass
Join me weekdays on the radio mornings on Today's Talk 1490 and afternoons on Magic 105
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Daily Dose of BS April 28
Driving to work in the mornings I often am on the road before the sun comes up. I am surprised at the fact that many others are on the road as well. We must live in a 24 hour a day society. When I was first starting out in radio I was the overnight person in a small town about the size of Holmen and think I was the only person up at that time… not so much now people are up at all hours of the night from playing on the computer to working to watching tv and insomnia. What makes me talk about this today is that there were 2 different people on the road on my way to work the other day who were on the side of the road, one walking the other biking and neither of them had reflectors or lights with them. Now you would thing the safety would be first and foremost on these peoples minds apparently not. If you are out at the crack of dawn or a loved one is, make sure that they can be seen.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Daily Dose of BS April 27
I am an early riser. I like it most of the time but really enjoy staying up late also, you can only do this so many days in a row….before your body begins to take notice, and as I am getting older I notice that the bounce back is not the same as it was in the past. Age brings many good things like wisdom, and experience but sometimes I wish it brought smarts. I know that it is not smart to stay up late multiple days in a row and expect the 42 year old body to respond as it did when I was in my 20’s or even my 30’s. Would I trade what I have now for a time in life before, no, but would like to not be tired on a regular basis.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Daily Dose of BS April 26
I am the only person in my family who likes black jelly beans. I have been trying not to buy extra candy cause I know that if I buy candy I will eat it. The joys of being a guy that loves food. With that being said, I like the day after Halloween and Easter morning. Halloween cause I get to “check out” the candy for the kids and Easter Sunday because I get to eat all the black jelly beans. This year I was excited to see that the bowl of jelly beans on the table had a good mix of colors and a lot of black jelly beans as well. So I sat down pulled the bowl over to where I was sitting grabbed 4 or 5 of the best jelly beans ever made popped them in my mouth, started chewing, and made that face that is saved for total disgust as the kids said now even dad doesn’t like the black jelly beans….. I do when they are the right flavor….. these black jelly beans were grape flavored….. what a waste of a good jelly bean.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Monday, April 25, 2011
Daily Dose of BS April 25
I have to admit it I love ham. That is why Easter dinner is so delicious to me. My dad and step mom joined my family of six for Easter dinner yesterday. I made the meal. We had ham, homemade twice baked potatoes, the green bean casserole with durkee French fried onions, and rolls. As I mentioned I like ham so I bought a bigger than needed ham hoping to get some “planned overs” after the big meal. I thought when getting a ham that I should allow 1 and a half to 2 pounds per person like you do with turkey. Guess what I was wrong. I made a mistake, I goofed up. I have more ham than I know what to do with, I bought an 18 pound beast of a ham and have about 15 pounds left and this is after I stripped the meat off the bone for a soup bone. I don’t know what I was thinking but……I am going to have to watch Forrest Gump again so I can get the shrimp recipe ideas and turn them into ham ideas. Lets see I can barbecue it, broil it, bake it, sauté it, have it in gumbo, have ham soup, pineapple ham and a ham sandwich on rye of course. Tomorrow what happened to the jelly beans?
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Friday, April 22, 2011
Daily Dose of BS April 22
Phones are everywhere….. when was the last time you were at the store, bank, or even church and not seen someone either on the phone or texting? I am just as guilty of the phone pleasure as the next guy. I love my phone and feel naked without it. I am however aware of my surroundings when on the phone and try not to talk too loud or say inappropriate things when out in public. I really hate when you are at a restaurant and hear the person at 3 tables away talk THIS LOUD on their phones. So when you are on your phone, think before you speak….. now I gotta grab this.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Daily Dose of BS April 21
I don’t know about you but every time I go out to eat…..every time. I always end up with the bent up fork, the one that should have been thrown away 2 weeks ago. And it never fails I could be at a wedding reception, a dinner party at someone’s house, a nice restaurant or a dive bar and with out doubt the bad bent up fork ends up in front of yours truly. I think it started off when I was a kid my Mom used to serve our dinner and 9 out ten days a piece of something ended up in my milk. Maybe it should be a sign I spend too much time around food?
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Daily Dose of BS April 20
It doesn’t matter how technologically advanced we get there is still the elements, there is still Mother Nature, there is still weather. Take yesterday for example how many people were all ready to go out on the town, ready to spend money at bars and restaurants before taking in a concert? Elton John cancelled his sold out show yesterday afternoon (the 11th hour if you will).
So not only were the people who set their schedule to go to for a night on the town put out. Think of the people you didn’t think of that were put off because of the canceling of the concert. What about the babysitter who had planned on the extra 30 bucks for this weekend, the cab driver, the server of the food or the drinks at the bars and restaurants that didn’t get the business last night, what about the person who knew that they were going to the show last night and set up to take today off in anticipation of the “next day” do they take the day off anyway? Does the part-timer that was scheduled to work still come in? It goes to show you that weather still trumps technology.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Daily Dose of BS April 19
A friend of mine and I got in to an argument over the word o-f-t-e-n. I say ofen she says offten. I asked the other people around the table at the bar how they pronounced the word and they all said offten as well, I disagreed…. I asked around the building here at work, I asked everyone and out of all the employees here at LaCrosse Radio all but four agreed with me with a pronunciation of ofen. Some of the answers of why they pronounced the word that way was, I am not British, I am not hoity toddy and don’t say tamatoe either, the t is silent, it is standard American dialect, according to the Websters New World Dictionary saying the word aw-fuh
n; is first preferred and awf-tuh
n is secondary. As a matter of fact to hear the proper way of saying the word often check out the website or just click here So who is right???

Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Monday, April 18, 2011
Daily Dose of BS April 18
I read the paper yesterday as I do every Sunday. I like to check out the Parade magazine; yesterday however I was disappointed with Judith Newman the writer of the manners question and answer section. The question was posed I hate it when people who are clearly physically fit and park in handicapped spots. What should I do? She responded “ Wait until the offender has left the vehicle, then let the air out of his tires. Okay, no. ”
It does go on giving the right advice, but with the way that today’s world is and how we tend to just gaze at stories and not really read them, how many people just read Wait until the offender has left the vehicle, then let the air out of his tires. And thought that it is ok to do this. Some people don’t use their heads. If you see a handicapped placard in a car window but the driver seems fine, you might not be able to see their disability. The point is, you really don’t know the full story. And my point is I think the Parade should issue an apology.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Friday, April 15, 2011
Daily Dose of BS April 15
Today is tax day well at least it usually is. Reminder: Tax day this year isn't April 15th this year, and that has nothing to do with a government shutdown. It is because of Emancipation Day, which generally falls on April 16, is being observed in D.C. on April 15 this year. The holiday celebrates the emancipation of slaves in the district.
While many are used to the normal last minute rush to get their taxes squared away before the April 15th deadline, this year things are a bit different. giving taxpayers a few extra days. Taxes aren't actually due until April 18. I still think it is funny that people wait until the last possible minute to file them, do you not know that this is something that needs to be done year after year..... it is one of only two guarantees in life death and you have to pay taxes.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Daily Dose April 14
I am not a litterer I frown on people tossing their cigarettes out the window, it upsets me when I see someone tossing out the smoke, an empty can, a wrapper, any thing tossed should be tossed in the trash and not on the ground...... My kids have heard me complain about this time and time again. Here is the issue when I am eating a piece of fruit and I am done, I toss the apple or pear core to the ground, out the window of my car. My kids have called me on the carpet on this, as I tossed a banana peel out the window one of my kids asked me why I was littering and I explained that it isn't since squirrels and birds can eat the "left over food" prompting my smartalex son to ask what if a car behind you slips on the peel?
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Daily Dose April 13
You would think after living for 42 years that I would know better than to get sun burnt.... Not the case, yesterday was running around with my shirt off and burnt parts of my belly that have never seen the light of the day.. I tried and old tried but true method of getting rid of sun burn before it starts, take a few aspirin before bed, that has always worked for me, most of the time it (the burn) would go away... not this time. so if you happen across some aloe vera let me know.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Daily dose April 12th
I am sick of the fact that when you go to buy your favorite products, they say 20% more for free when in fact it is the same size that you have been buying for 22 years. It seems that during economic downturns, it’s common for companies to reduce the size of products, thereby disguising price increases. Sometimes the smaller package isn’t even noticeable: Height and width might stay the same while the depth is shallower, so the product’s silhouette on the shelf looks the same. It’s sneaky, but companies know consumers are generally more sensitive to price changes than size changes. (it bugs me that the 1/2 gallon of ice cream is now 1.56 quarts)
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Monday, April 11, 2011
Daily Dose April 11th
I admit it I am a tv junkie. I like to watch a lot of different shows, and I like the new shows as well as the old shows. In the paper yesterday there was a list of the shows that are on the "Bubble" here is a list of the shows that I like that are going to be canceled.
on NBC
Undercovers, Chase, Perfect Couples.
The Whole Truth, NO Ordinary Family
The Defenders, Mad Love, Bleep my Dad says
The Good Guys, Human Target, Traffic Light
There are also lots of shows that are on the bubble on all the networks, Harry's Law, Outsourced, Hawaii 5-0, The Mentalist, Mike and Molly, the 2 Criminal Minds, The 3 CSI's, and Lie to me.
This really upsets me as I enjoy watching these shows every week, thank goodness for my TIVO or I wouldn't have enough time to watch them all, in fact if they do cancel all my shows, what am I to do with my time?..... Read?
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Cell phones
We all have least most of us, and you never seem to get peoples full undivided attention anymore. I even notice myself looking at my phone when I am in conversation with some people. And don't get me started on kids or people standing in line at the store. I really do not care to hear your telephone conversation. You do not need to yell into the cell, you can be heard on the other end of the line talking in a normal voice.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Poorly timed stop lights - your daily dose
I leave for work at 445 every morning. I am often the only person on the road at that time. I do not understand why the stop lights in the city of LaCrosse don't do anything but flash at that time in the morning, you do not have to deal with cars.... except for mine. I have had to stop at a stop light 4 times out of the past 5 days on the way to work. AND THERE IS NO ONE ON THE ROAD. Don't get me started on the timing of the lights on my way home. You would think if you had a constant speed (the speed limit) that you would be able to get through the city's of Onalaska and LaCrosse. You would think.
Daily Dose of BS,
Magic 105,
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