Friday, May 31, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 31 craigslist

Craigslist is an amazing beast.  I have sold most of the things I put on there in just a few days.  I wonder the business model when it comes to making money on that site.  There is no advertising and no charge for listing.  What am I missing?  I am glad to see this business work because of what I was talking about earlier this week on how we want bigger, faster, and stronger.   This allows us to have this and to have it be new to us yet keeps it out of the land fill.  I also have found that people will be willing to pay a bit more for items on craigslist compared to if you were to sell it at a rummage sale.  Plus you can look for the bargains you are looking for and the best part of it all is you don’t have to have a rummage sale.  

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 30 wants

We are on a constant quest to become happy, if only I had this or that or the other thing, always wanting bigger, faster and stronger.  When are we going to be happy with what we have?  I don’t know if that is ever a possibility.  I try for inner peace, I really do but with all the bright lights and constantly being bombarded with buy this, its newer, it can make you fill in the blank.  When are we going to say enough and be happy.  I am not sure if it is possible in world we live in, and that is too bad.  I don’t want to settle but when do we decide that we don’t need any more, that the widget we have is great and I can do without the upgrade.  I don’t think that that will ever be.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 29 look me in the eye

I am a big fan of looking people in the eye.  I dislike when you’re talking with someone and they don’t look at you when talking with them.  That eye contact in business and personal relationship helps to build trust, and a bond with the person you are talking with.  I think that the smart phones are killing this with the next generation, just watch as your teenager has conversation with their peers and with adults, I’ll bet that they don’t keep that eye contact do they?  According to a survey that was just released adults make eye contact between 30% and 60% of the time in an average conversation they should be making eye contact 60% to 70% of the time to create a sense of emotional connection.  Try this at work today look everyone in the eye ( but don’t stare), ask questions and listen to the answers.  If you do this you will have a better work day I bet.  I interview people every day while at work and I sure prefer the face to face interviews better than the phone ones for this reason, I know that I have the person that I am interviewing’s full attention when face to face because of that eye contact.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 28 friends

Friends are a great asset.  I have always known this but over the weekend I had a few step up and offer a helping hand.  I am so blessed to have a great group of friends who are willing to add expertise in just about any situation brought to them.  I have wanted to get a shed built at the family land and my friends hit it out of the park again.  From planning to the tools to leg work, 7 guys gave up part of their weekend to help with the task at hand.  The weather was a bit of a deterrent but after a 3 hour rain delay we accomplished quite a bit of the job.  I also got some apple trees and raspberry plants in the ground.  Who would have thought the last weekend before June that we would need stocking hats and gloves? 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 24 freedom is not free

Freedom is not free.  We have all heard that, and as a younger man I didn’t get it.  I do now.  Our freedoms are a gift to us from the generations of yesterday and our brave men and women who are currently enlisted in the military.  As we kick back and enjoy a few beers, and food grilled over the open fire this weekend, as we take in the three day unofficial start to the summer let’s spend a minute remembering the sacrifice that many before us have made, and let us not forget about the young men and women who are serving our great country now.  Without the bravery of so many, we would not be as free as we are.  God bless the people who work day in and day out to keep us free.  Remember freedom is not free, someone made a choice.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 23 big changes

Big changes in the Schmidt house, my oldest graduates from High School tomorrow and then off to his next stage in life, not only is he graduating but all my kids move on to the next step in their career.  My middle son graduates from middle school and on to high school, and my twins move from grade school to middle school.  Big changes.  I am excited for my kids as they embark in the next phases of their lives; I hope that they each find the path that is best for each of them.  One of the things I have tried to teach is that life isn’t easy and it is what you make of it.  That only they are in charge of their own destiny, and to think ahead, as my dad used to say to me that your head isn’t just a place to hold your glasses or hang your hat.  I think that is the best advice that I got.  Think.  

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 22 oktoberfest

Big changes for Oktoberfest next year.  The fest is going from a 9 day celebration to a 4 day party.  I am not sure how I feel about this, I moved here in 1992 and have enjoyed fest for the past 21 years from the opening day parade all the way through to the end, multiple parades, lots of brats and you can’t forget the beer.  I moved here right after the beer throwing ended, for that I am glad, but the traditions of fest are changing.  I guess that things need to change or face doom, and I hope that this is going to be a step in the right direction.  I have been a part of enough organizations to know that there will be people bitching about these changes and bitching loud, but what I have found that most of the people who complain the most are not really even a part of the organization, because if they were they would have stepped up at a planning meeting and said something.  I for one and not sure of the changes but I also don’t have enough time to devote to keep things the same.  I am looking forward to the change and wish the Oktoberfest USA folks nothing but the best.  Because after all you can’t end September in La Crosse without Oktoberfest.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 21 tornado

Two days short of two years.  It is a sad situation when there is a tornado that rips through a community.  Just about two years ago the tornado that ripped through La Crosse and caused millions of dollars’ worth of damage was on the same day as the horrible tornado that killed at least 158 and injured over a thousand in Joplin Missouri.  I live in the La Crosse neighborhood that got hit the hardest, I was lucky that only a little damage was reported on my block but 3 blocks away trees were down, garages were tore from their foundations, and houses and businesses were damaged.  We were lucky here that no one was killed or even severely hurt.  Joplin wasn’t so lucky, their whole town was affected.  Now two years later almost to the day Moore Oklahoma has a twister that devastated this community.  My heart goes out to the families who have lost loved ones.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 20 medicine cabnet

My sons graduation party went well over the weekend, you could not have asked for any better weather and getting together with many family members was nice.  It was funny to hear our relatives from Minnesota say we better fill up here before we leave since the gas prices are usually cheaper there than here.  Having a party puts you in a vulnerable position.  I read that 39% of guests look in the medicine cabinet of the host of a party.  I just read this stat this morning after our party had I read beforehand I would have maybe added a surprise for the guests like a jar of marbles or a fake rat, or some weird fake something or another.  Then again who said I didn’t. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Daily Does of BS May 17 idiot drivers

Idiot drivers.  Do not pull out in front of someone on a highway then not get up to speed and then turn at the next driveway.  If you ever wondered why people flip you off or honk at you this is the reason.  That is the clean version of what happened to me last night when headed back home from the cabin.  I had some idiot pull right out in front of me…ugghh.  I am sure I had a moment of happiness that there were no kids in the car with me.  Pay attention. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 16 fuel costs

What the heck?  Gas prices are creeping up to where they were last year.  We are close to 4 bucks a gallon again, in fact in La Crosse we are 15 cents from that 4 buck gallon.  To me this does not make since, as we are using more wouldn’t the processing of gas be more efficient?  It happens every year about this time and we as consumers just take it.  The sad thing is that now when it dips to about 3.25 I have found myself and heard my kids say look at the cheap gas.  That gas is not cheap, because the cost of fuel is creeping ever higher it is taking away from the things in our lives.  Come on lets lower to cost of fuel.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 15 take responsibility

If you do something wrong man up-take responsibly for your actions.  I had some cans of paint out by the garbage and some kids went by and kicked the cans over and had the paint spilled all over the driveway and the alley.  I caught it within 5 minutes and worked about an hour on getting the spill contained I had a bag of sand that I used to soak it up also threw dirt on the paint also to aid the soak.  I worked a bit but its not as clean as it was.  I found out from a couple of the neighbor kids who it was, I asked them to have the kids responsible for it to come talk to me.  They did.  I am mad but not as angry as I would be if they wouldn’t have come and talked to me.  They told me they would clean up the mess, I believe that they will after school today.  About 20 minutes after I talked to the kids a man showed up at my front door.  Oh oh I thought, it was one of the dads, he came to apologize for the kids messing up and told me that it would be fixed.  I can't be that mad if the kids manned up and the parents are involved, things are all good, I just hope that the paint gets cleaned off the driveway. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 14 manners

I remember when I was a kid my mom and dad always told me to say please and thank you.  My kids are 17, 14, and twins who are 11, I tried to teach them the same thing.  I think I may have got through to them as I will once in a while hear from someone on how polite one or the other are.  As a parent this is a feel good moment.  I think working in radio I have the chance to see the best and the worst, take for example the Wisconsin Dells season opener cards a couple of our radio stations are giving them away and they cause quite the stir, people will line up for hours before hand with the hopes of getting passes to the Dells.  I did a broadcast, and a giveaway last Saturday, and there were over 400 people lined up for the 300 free tickets.  I would say only about half the people who got a free Dells pass said thank you.  Now wouldn’t you think that if someone gave you a free no strings attached coupon book that you would say thank you?  Please remember your manners.  

Monday, May 13, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 13 Moms

Yesterday was a celebration of Moms everywhere.  It was Mother’s Day, a day to either send your mother flowers, candy, cards, or all of the above.  It is unfortunate that this day is only one day to celebrate your mother by taking mom out for breakfast, lunch or dinner, a day to treat your mom like the queen that she is. I hope you were able to do that.   I think that many of us take our moms for granted, in fact we take a lot of the moms in our lives for granted.  The love from a mom is tenfold that of any other love out there.  I am blessed with many Moms in my life from my own Mother, to my Step Mom, my Wife and all my great friends who are Moms I hope you all had a great day.  The reason for the day late writing is I wanted to share my disgust of the cowards who shot up a block party in Louisiana.  I heard early this morning that 3 gun men were seen running from the crowds after the shooting.  19 people were injured.  Come one, why in the HELL would someone do this?   

Friday, May 10, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 10 stuff

Got a few things on my mind today, first of all how come the two brothers in Cleveland, the Castro brothers are not being charged?  Aren’t they guilty by association?  Did they never watch the young ladies?  Why didn’t they call the cops?  I don’t get it.  I ordered pizzas last night for the kids cause I had a meeting, I asked what they wanted and the old standard sausage, peperoni and extra cheese was asked for and my youngest son said dad get that one that you like so I asked the chicken, jalapeno, pineapple pizza he said yes.  He ate a half a piece.  I guess I will be having lots of leftover pizza for the next day or two.  Finally when it comes to tv show what is the best all time tv show in your opinion?  

Thursday, May 9, 2013


A new listing of the best-paying fields of study and their average starting salaries …

10. Finance: $57,400

9. Engineering Technology: $62,200

8. Management Information Systems/Business: $63,100

7. Electrical/Electronics & Communications Engineering: $63,400

6. Mechanical Engineering: $64,000

5. Aerospace/Aeronautical/Astronautical Engineering: $64,400

4. Computer Science: $64,800

3. Chemical Engineering: $67,600

2. Computer Engineering: $71,700

1. Petroleum Engineering: $93,500

(And coming in at #9,628 … Radio DJ.)

Daily Dose of BS May 9 zombies

Are we raising a bunch of zombies?  Are the stories of the apocalypse zombies talking about us?  If you drive anywhere or go on any transportation or have kids or work with anyone you know what I am talking about.  We are all turning into a bunch of mind numb and dumb zombies.  I challenge you to go a day not without your phone or even texting anyone but to go a day without looking at your facebook, twitter, texts etc when someone else is around.  We used to have conversations with people face to face now we text our ideas and put them on the web in hopes of grabbing someone else’s opinion, it seems as though we care more about someone miles away or even someone we don’t even know more than the opinion of those around us.  I know cause I am guilty of it as well.  I do not want to be a zombie or brain dead or lose the ability to talk with those around me, so if you see me texting, facebooking or tweeting when I could be talking with someone else, please point it out.  We need human conversation. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 8 3 Cleveland woman

In the past 24 hours we have all heard about the three women who were found in Cleveland.  Hard to believe that these 3 women were found just blocks from where they were taken.  This story gives hope to other families who have been affected by kidnapping and missing loved ones.  I have a difficult time grasping the fact that there are people out there who would do something so bad to another human being.  This is appalling, but the end result has been amazing.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 7 online taxes

Sales tax on things bought online?  Really we are going to do that now?  It’s about time.  I think that having us as consumers pay sales tax online will even the playing field for many of the businesses that are struggling out there.  My question is how do we pay tax on things we buy from out of country?  Maybe a better way would be to have the business who sold the items have a set of books that show where whatever they sell is shipped to and then have the seller pay tax in that state, this way it would be up to them to figure out the tax and incorporate it into their price.  Not that I support paying more taxes because I don’t but it only makes sense since you are supposed to  be paying sales tax on things you bought online directly to your state anyway.  You are doing that right? 

Monday, May 6, 2013

WBA Award audio

I have had a couple of requests for the audio that won the awards, here is a link to that audio.

Soundcloud Audio for WBA Awards

Daily Dose of BS May 6 WBA

I had a surreal weekend, I got to represent the La Crosse Radio Group at the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Awards in Madison.  We as a group were up for 4 four awards and won two first places and two second places, not too bad considering we were up against the rest of the state’s medium markets.  While standing in the reception area, it hit me that a lot of the voices that we hear from around the state on the radio are standing in this room and lots of the tv personalities from around the state are here as well.  There was an open bar for about 45 minutes then off to dinner, and the food was good.  I had no idea what to expect at the awards, they started promptly at 6 and there was basically a breakdown of music, talk and tv.  When your category is up you sit at the edge of your seat, they announce the first place winner then your heart beats your hands shake and you go up and collect the award, it was surreal to be awarded the best in the state for your profession.  Back to the meal they served a steak, salmon, a salad and a cheese cake for desert.  Oh yea and asparagus I love asparagus, I wonder if Lynyrd Skynyrd did too?  

Friday, May 3, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 3 garage sales

We are coming up on the big garage sale season, well if we ever reach a nice weekend we will.  When I was a kid my parents were frugal, and did lots of our family clothing shopping at rummage sales.  This wasn’t so bad as we always had clothing that fit.  I remember one time that my folks brought home some corduroy pants that looked brand new, now being a bigger guy and I was as a kid too you had to worry about the legs rubbing together especially when rocking the corduroy well, these pants didn’t make the swish noise when walking, nor did they have any rips and they felt like a million bucks that is a huge feat considering that these were garage sale pants.  I wore them to school on Monday, funny I was proud to wear corduroy, it was the 80’s after all.  Well long story short someone came up to me and said those are the ugliest pants I have ever seen my Mom just sold some like that at our garage sale, needless to say that was the last time I wore my really cool great fitting no noise cords.  Do you rummage?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Daily Dose of BS May 2 school

Are we pushing kids into post-secondary schools?  How many people that you grew up with had an education?  How many people that you used to know are doing what they wanted to do when they grew up?  I am guessing not a whole lot are doing what they set off in life to do?  Are we pushing education down the throats of the newly graduated?  Kids now days have to weigh out the risk versus the pay off, as school is not the affordable choice that it once was.  I have taken a handful of classes at Western Tech College over the past 5 years and the classes I took, had people my age in the classes, and I will tell you I was more open to learning in my 40’s than I was right out of high school.  By the way when I asked how many people you know are doing the job they wanted to do when in high school, as far as I know I am the only one out of my friends.  

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Thanks to the Internet, your midday hour off can offer numerous ways to bring in more bucks. Such as …

✓ Freelance – If you’ve got a skill, whether it’s writing, coding, designing or something else, chances are you can find some piece work. There’s even a board to advertise your expertise …


✓ Express an Opinion – People are willing to pay for it. SliceThePie, for example, will pay you to listen to and rate unsigned musical acts. You can also get paid to fill out online surveys.


✓ Offer a Service – There are lots of online marketplaces where you can offer your services for a fee. At, you can offer to do anything that will fit into your lunch hour for $5.


✓ Sell Your Stuff – Selling your unwanted bric-a-bric via eBay is an old trick but still a good one; you might get more than you think for that unused router sitting at the back of your closet.

✓ Try Your Luck – Entering online sweepstakes and contests usually costs you no more than an email address, but the prizes can range from weekends in the sun to the latest gadgets.

Daily Dose of BS May 1 health

Somethings that you know about your health just are not true.  Like taking a multi vitamin is good for you researchers' say getting the vitamins and minerals from fruit and vegetables is better for you than capsules.   How many times have you heard "Stop drinking coffee and alcohol?" "Take an aspirin daily." to add years to your life? Turns out, lots of long-held wisdom just aren’t true.  According to researchers, more cups of coffee means a lower risk of strokes, diabetes and heart and respiratory disease.  A daily aspirin can lead to bleeding, allergies and upset stomach, while a glass of wine not only can help your heart but also add years to your life.   I love my afternoon naps cause I only get about 6 and a half hours a night research suggests sleeping less than six or more than nine hours a night raises your risk for dying sooner, everyone has different sleep needs you may need only 6 ½ hours while your spouse needs almost nine.